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Parkgate Primary School

As a Mathematician...

‘Whether you think you can, or think you can’t - you’re right.' Henry Ford 


A common held belief, is that some children can do maths and some can’t. Indeed, research shows that many reach adulthood with a belief that they just ‘can’t do’ maths.

But there is no such thing as a maths ‘gene’1

Our intent

At Parkgate Primary School we aspire for children and adults, to be curious and motivated learners of mathematics. To know that we are surrounded by mathematical ideas which help us understand the world we live in. To recognise that the skills and knowledge developed in maths are used in other curriculum areas and in our everyday lives. To nurture resilient, confident learners, with a deep and secure understanding of mathematics, building a firm foundation for secondary school and later life.

These characteristics of mathematical learning are exemplified in our Parkgate maths cog.

Mathematical ability is not fixed. Everyone can learn and make progress.

  1. Jo Boaler – YouCubed, Stanford University

Our Approach (Click to enlarge)
Key components of our maths curriculum include:                                                                       
National Curriculum Policies Our Maths Curriculum PAL

Pit Stops Problem Solving Parent / Carers Working in Partnership...

Our Impact

Our success is in developing:

Resilient learners, who are fluent in the fundamentals of number and their application to the world around them.

Learners who reason and problem solve knowing that some of the greatest mathematicians in history were slow thinkers – not the fastest to finish!

Learners who challenge themselves to take risks and take pride in their achievements – big or small.

Learners who enjoy their maths lessons, can reflect on their progress and be ambitious to do well. 

Learners who know – Everyone Can Do Maths.