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Parkgate Primary School

OFSTED and DfE School Performance

In our last Ofsted inspection we received a GOOD judgement in all areas:

Overall Effectiveness: Good
Achievement of pupils: Good
Quality of teaching: Good
Behaviour and Safety of Pupils: Good
Leadership and Management: Good

Click here for our most recent OFSTED Report

Have a look at some of the quotes from the most recent report below:

"Pupils well being and care are at the heart of Parkgate School. Leaders have created a truly inclusive school. They have high ambitions for every pupil and want them to be the best they can be. Children at this school are a delight. They are courteous, welcoming and friendly They enjoy learning and coming to school. T here are warm and respectful relationships between teachers and pupils."

"Pupils benefit from an extensive range of activities that develop their personal interests"

"Leaders have created an ambitious curriculum that offers a wide range of subjects for pupils to study." 

Performance Tables

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year.  They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance. To see the latest available DfE School Performance tables, please click HERE.

Please see our Primary Pupil achievements information HERE.

Inspection Dashboard

The inspection dashboard is designed to show at a glance how well previous cohorts demonstrated characteristics of good or better performance. It contains a brief overview of progress and attainment at key stages 1 and 2 for 2016 and other data for the last three years. It shows progress first, including from the main starting points.

It includes the key groups: disadvantaged pupils, those who have special educational needs (SEN), girls and boys. Achievement of disadvantaged pupils is compared with the national performance of other (non-disadvantaged) pupils, overall and by prior attainment. SEN group progress is compared with the national for all pupils, which is zero.

The front page summarises strengths and weaknesses based on only the 2016 data shown in the dashboard. The strengths give an indication of some features of good or better performance in 2016, highlighting consistency across starting points and subjects