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Parkgate Primary School

The Bridge

In KS1&2 children access complimentary provision at The Bridge. This includes support for reading, spelling and maths in KS2 and attention & listening, social and communication needs in KS1. The Bridge has a classroom area and a Low Arousal Space. Pupils accessing this provision have an EHC plan with targets for these areas or are on the higher need pathway. A small number of children access the reading programme to support language needs. The provision is timetabled to provide consistent support. Children from Y1-Y5 coming to The Bridge develop independent learning skills. Some children come daily, some come several times a week. Outcomes from this provision are shared in pupil/family meetings with the class teacher, in school reports and on SEND Personal Plans.

Classroom links with learning and provision in The Bridge

Classroom teachers adjust curriculum provision to meet the needs of all pupils in class. Maths and reading/spelling learning are recorded in classroom books and these are shared with The Bridge so class teachers and The Bridge can quickly stay up to date with pupils’ learning. The Bridge and class teachers regularly visit their children in The Bridge/classroom, which the children love, to check that the support builds on learning in both settings.

Reading & spelling intervention through Literacy Gold

At Parkgate we have invested in the Literacy Gold reading programme and this is run in the Bridge and in Upper Phase interventions. Children start with a synthetic phonics-based approach to reading called Reading Unlocked before progressing to Fluency Reader. In Upper Phase, children access Comprehension Superstars which develops reading further and builds children’s vocabulary by exploring the intensity of adjective/nouns in texts.

Maths -Children’s maths learning is assessed by their class teacher and The Bridge. In the Bridge, children access a personalised maths curriculum which provides a small steps approach to building on knowledge, overlearning, recall of learning and increasing independence skills and self-confidence.

Intensive Interaction & communication needs are met through bucket therapy, language provision and skills building in social and communication needs. Staff have had additional training in these areas to support children’s needs