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Parkgate Primary School

Corridor of Calm

In EYFS and throughout the school we have introduced a Calm Corridor which provides sensory input appropriate to the child’s levels of sensitivity and need. A child’s senses can be over-developed (hypersensitive) or under-developed (hyposensitive) and may need a low or high level of sensory input to reduce anxiety and increase successful access to the curriculum. In nursery the Calm Corridor includes our Pebbles provision and in YR our Stepping Stones provision. In Y1 children have access to a Low Arousal Room (with adult support) alongside the Corridor of Calm. The Low Arousal Room is a teaching area for intensive interaction (bucket therapy) and social skills development. In Y2-Y6 each area has a Calm room or space alongside the Corridor of Calm. All children in the school have access to the Corridor of Calm.