Physical Education
Our Journey so far...
In June of 2018, we decided to transform PE at our school.
Historically Parkgate had always had strong PE, this was evidenced through achieving the afPE Quality Mark in 2017. However, pupil voice feedback and feedback from teachers suggested we needed to do more...or try something new. So we did. And here starts the journey.
As a set of PE leads at the time, we started to look at what was on offer out there for primary schools by way of resources and schemes and to see what other schools were doing. This is where we stumbled across Create Development and at the time 'real PE'. We met with the regional Manager for the Midlands area and observed sessions in a school in Northampton who had embarked on their journey 2 years before us. Having spoken to the Headteacher, we knew this was for the children and staff of Parkgate.
To confirm our thoughts we had a member of staff from Create deliver two sessions. One to a KS1 class and the other to a KS2 class. The feedback was fantastic. Teachers loved the reources element, the fresshness and new ideas. Children...They loved everything. The activities, the teacher, the fun...the whole lot.
At that point we decided to jump in with both feet. Armed and supported by our Sports Premium budget, we decided that we wern't satisfied with just dipping our toe in the water, we were jumping in with both feet. We became a 'Legacy' school.
So what is real PE?
realPE gives EVERY child the physical literacy, emotional and thinking skills to achieve in PE, Sport and life.
A unique, child-centred approach transforming how we teach PE to include, challenge and support for EVERY child. The real PE programme included training, the very best innovative resources and is supported by Jasmine - our real learning platform.
real PE provides us with fun and simple to follow Schemes of Work and supports our teachers to give them the confidence and skills to deliver outstanding PE.
It is fully aligned to the National Curriculum and focuses on the development of agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperative learning through a unique and market leading approach to teaching and learning in PE.
What makes real PE unique?
real PE is, first and foremost, a philosophy and approach which aims to transform how we teach PE in order to include, challenge and support EVERY child. It supports teachers and other deliverers to make small changes that will have a significant impact on their learners.
To maximise learning and impact, three members of staff have attended a 3-day programme of training and support, where they were introduced to a new approach to teaching PE.
- A unique child centred approach that transforms how we teach PE to engage and challenge EVERY child
- Develops the key abilities children need to be successful within PE and Sport and across the curriculum
- Inspires teachers to enjoy teaching PE and transforms their confidence to deliver outstanding lessons
- Whole school approach with assessment framework, curriculum maps, Schemes of Work and simple assessment tools
Real Legacy
As we are a Legacy school we re supported for 2 years. We decided to map out our own journey based upon the needs of our staff and children. Below you will see the steps that we have taken so far and where we are going next.
Year 1 - 2018-19
- 3 day training for Subject Leads
- Subject Leads deliver ALL realPE across school for Autumn term (CPD for staff)
- Became a Central Training School used by Create Development to facilitate courses
- All staff received one day real PE training in December
- All staff started to deliver their own realPE with support from subject leads
- Subject leads received training for real gym in May 2019
- Subject leads received training for real leaders in May 2019
What next? Year 2 2019-20
- Revisit and monitor each teacher delivering realPE. Induction for those who are new to school.
- Include real gym into long term plans
- Introduce real leaders and dedicate lunchtime session to develop roles within school
Tokyo 2020
Tokyo 2020 is our driver for all things sport in the forthcoming academic year. Our aim is to cover as many different Olympic and Paralympic sports that we can throughout the academic year to allow our children opportunity to experience a new sport. Much of this will be achieved through additional curriculum opportunity as well as working through the school games.