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Parkgate Primary School


What is PAL?

PAL is a daily, additional, retrieval session, written by our maths team and devised to meet the needs of our children. It provides bespoke overlearning of key skills through fun, engaging and interactive activities.

PAL is delivered daily in Key Stages 1 and 2 for approximately fifteen minutes. Sessions provide opportunities to practice and become fluent in the fundamentals of number: to count, over-learn and rapidly recall number facts; to consolidate number skills and calculate efficiently and accurately.


The majority of children complete two assessments – Facts and Challenge – weekly. Each term contains 12 assessment points.  Modifications are made for children with EHC plans, those working in the Bridge and for some working within the lowest 20% of a class.


Outcomes are uploaded onto class excel grids. Progress data is tracked and scrutinised to identify next steps, under and inconsistent learning.

Adapted Learning

Adaptations are made to support learner outcomes. For those who achieve swiftly, independent learning opportunities are given through challenges, games and overlearn APPS such as TTRS, I-minute maths, Numbots, Maths Shed.

This secures more targeted time for the over-teaching of skills to support children on track / on watch and those working in the lower 20%, based on Standardised Score outcomes.

Where possible, supplementary teaching groups are led by additional teachers, HLTAs or LFs.


  PAL Facts Overview PAL Challenge Overview